
other article in this issue.

Now, I'd like to say a few things about this weekend. First- both Marie and Susanna are wonderful people, pleasant, friendly, always giving you a helping hand and providing to TVs who are smart enough to take advantage of it an unforgetable opportunity. Sec- ond--Susanna has related in an earlier issue of TVia how so many write to her or talk on the phone about how much they would like to go the resort, but when the chips are down they don't show up. There are several things at fault here. I had the same trouble in L.A. getting the girls to come out to our Hose and Heels Club. So many of you are afraid that you don't look well enough, you don't have the right clothes, you would feel foolish in company with those of more experience, etc., etc. Look! The Resort is- n't just for the ZSA ZSA Gabors and Marilyn Monroes amongst us; it is in the country, it doesn't require a dress by Balmain; those who have been smart enough to take advantage of it are not there- by experts who are critical of the "new girl at school". In view of this, I urge those of you in the East who can get to the resort to GO TO IT. You don't know what a wonderful experience is in store for you. The cost is nominal; the value in acceptance, 800- iability, freedom of expression, conviviality, and satisfaction is tremendous.

I have suggested to Susanna that next summer she let every- one know in advance thru TVia or otherwise that certain weekends will be specially for TVs. With advance warning plans can be made, money saved, excuses invented and tickets bought. So please, plan to go, it will do much for you in acceptance of yourselves as well as just plain enjoyment. As for me--I loved every minute of it! Virginia